So Seth's newest fascination: pears. It started by him sneaking in a taste of my apple one day, and it has now turned into "I want to eat everything my mom is eating!!!". So every morning Seth sits in his bouncer while I eat my breakfast and when I get to eating a piece of fruit, I'll let him have a hay day with it (see the pictures below).
(He would eat the whole thing if I let him!)
(After the pear.)
Like I said, he started with an apple but he has come to like pears even more ... probably because they are so soft and juicy and easy to suck the flavor out. I've cut off little pieces, mashed them up and given them to him with a spoon ... wow did he gobble that up! (But I do have to say the toots coming out of that child were absolutely putrid the rest of the day!) So now having pears for breakfast have become an every day occurrence in the Osorno household. Loving fruit, just like his momma!
Here are a few other pictures of our little guy. He really has been developing so quickly. He's grabbing toys and shoving them in his mouth constantly, he's wanting to sit up more and more, he's getting stronger with his tummy time, and though he's always been a smiley boy, he's smiling and laughing even more.
(Seth with his cousin, Naya ... amazing how different they look!)
(Our strong little guy is working double time: tummy time and playing with a toy!)
We've also been working on sleeping through the night since the weekend and after the first night where he screamed for 2 hours, the past two nights have been really good ... he's still waking up once or twice, but we give him his gucker (aka pacifier) and he'll go back to sleep, usually from 9pm - 6am. Woohoo!!!