Friday, May 27, 2011

month of discoveries, find #17: rhyme & reason series

Probably best gifts Seth got for Christmas this past year were both of the books in The Rhyme and Reason Series: Genesis and Matthew.

The Rhyme and Reason Series is a children's book series which takes entire books of the Bible and puts them into rhymes so that it's fun and easy to read.  The author, Catherine Zoller, has hopes of writing one for each book of the Bible.  I am amazed at how much fun it is for me to read as well!  Seth is a little young to sit and listen to a book being read, but I still do it just because I like to read them ... haha.  And I'm totally shocked at how Biblically accurate the stories are too!  If you, as the parent/adult, don't know the ins and outs of a part of the Bible, it's really easy to read through it in these books and get a basic understanding.  Plus, the illustrations are quite hilarious too!  Here's an example from the Genesis book:

This is the true story of how it all began
God was talking to himself and designed a plan.

In six short days when He shouted the command
Up popped the stars, the trees, the seas and land.

Then He let loose with His vast imagination
And created all the animals and all the vegetation.

There were cobras, and camels, and leopards with spots,
Ostriches, and hummingbirds, and fishes with dots.

He made butterflies and fireflies, mosquitoes and gnats,
Chipmunks, turtles, rabbits, and all the dogs and cats.

He thought of oranges, kiwis, peaches, and tart cranberries,
Guavas, melons, apricots, and bright red cherries.

He planned for some to be sour and some to be sweet;
He fashioned all the vegetables our mothers make us eat.

He made Brussels sprouts, taters, and the odd kumquat,
And somehow out of nothing, he created quite a lot!

Now don't think He was finished with all that He had done
'Cause next came the people, and the fun had just begun.

He wanted a people with whom to share His great love
To walk and talk with like the fellowship above.

God said, "Let Us make man in Our image and likeness
With a spirit that reflects Our friendship and rightness."

First He made a man but saw he needed a wife,
So he took a rib from Adam's side, and Eve came to life.

He settled them in Eden and showed 'em all the stuff
Then gave them just one rule so it wouldn't be too tough.

They couldn't eat the fruit off the center tree,
But in all other things, were completely free.

They had everything they needed, and God was their friend;
Everything was perfect; it never needed to end ...
(Genesis 1:1-2:25)

Come to find out that the author, Catherine Zoller, is somehow related to me.  My mom and Grandma both explained it to me, but I can't remember how exactly (sorry, Mom!).  But she has a crazy ... and I mean crazy ... testimony of how she came to know the Lord.  Check it out here: Catherine Zoller's Testimony.  

There are two verses that I commit to memory and meditation:

"Train up a child in the way he should go, 
And when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

"Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child;
The rod of correction will drive it far from him."
Proverbs 22:15

I don't take the role of parenthood lightly.  It's more than picking a cute name, dressing them in cute clothes, designing their bedroom and taking lots of pictures (though all of that is so much fun!) ... God has given us the charge of raising them right.  Teaching a child the ways and wonders of God and His Son Jesus Christ from the start is a necessity!  Practicing what I preach is a must.  I would hate to spoil my child on this earth and have to face God one day and answer why Seth never knew of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  Teach them while they're teachable.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

month of discoveries, find #16: much ado about you

Back in 2009 I was gearing up for my final semester of college at Sac State.  Every school year I get a new student planner and I'd usually get the boring one from the bookstore on campus because it had all the dates specific to Sac State (no school days, finals weeks, etc.).  They were always ugly, but it was just easy. They also always spanned a full school year, but this specific year I was going to be graduating in December and I didn't want to lug around a planner reminding me of college even after I had graduated, so I went onto Etsy to see if someone somewhere in the world made cute planners.  Much Ado About You is what I found!

In fact, Much Ado About You is the entire reason behind me starting "Month of Discoveries".  Ever since I found them and have been using their calendars, I have been so inspired.  They are personalized calendars ... each year they come out with new designs to choose from and they come in three sizes: small, medium and large.  They customize it to have your name or initials on it and have a place for you to put a picture on the cover (if you want, but you can ask for that not to be there too).  For something that you use and see multiple times per day, every day, it is so refreshing to have something fun!

Emmy, the owner, holds the same obsession with paper as I do, plus she's a stay-at-home mom like I am, and she's a Christian!  Triple wammy!  I follow her blog: Confessions of a Paper Freak (!!!!) as well.  I feel like we would be wonderful friends if we ever met in person, but as of now I am just inspired by her.  (I hope she doesn't think I'm a creeper!)

I was so excited to show you their website and Etsy shop, but unfortunately they are closed until August.  But it's for a good reason!  Emmy adopted a beautiful baby girl and is soaking in the time with her.  So I did the next best thing and took pictures of the calendars I have purchased ... you just have to remember to check them out in August when they open up shop again!
(My first Much Ado About You calendar!)

(My current calendar)

(Next year's calendar ... yes, I got it already ... and yes, it is covered in gold glitter!  This is the small size.  I decided to get it smaller this year to fit better in my purse.)

(Month view)

(Week view)

So don't forget to check out Much Ado About You in August!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

month of discoveries, find #15: jones design company

So I'm discovering just how popular blogs are.  Especially among crafty, Christian moms.  I seriously had no idea!  I just started mine to keep people updated with my son, and then noticed what a great creative and emotional outlet it was for me as well.  I don't know how I'm discovering all of these other blogs, but I am and I'm finding it so inspiring!  

Today's find is Jones Design Company.  I just recently found this blog and am still learning all that Emily, the blogger, has to offer on her site.  

She is a graphic designer, decorator and a just plain crafty lady.  She has her own business selling name prints, art prints, printables (you download the design she's created and can print it on whatever you want), and headbands (kinda random mix, but hey, they're all cute). My favorite part is her tutorials!

She has a ton of different crafts and treats and shows you, step-by-step, how to make them yourself!  Last night I stayed up to a whopping 10:30pm (that's super late for me!), cutting and rolling paper flowers after reading her tutorial on it.  I'm using some as a cake topper, and experimenting on a wreath (I'm not done with it yet).  What do you think?

The best part about Jones Design Company?  Emily's a Christian!  It's so encouraging for me to know of other stay-at-home moms who are thriving as wives, mothers and creative women.  So go support Emily and browse around her blog!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

month of discoveries, find #14: ephesians 1:13-14

Ok so you know how alive Scripture is?  Have you ever read a verse a million times before and didn't quite understand it or it's significance didn't come to you until you read it for the 1,000,001 time?  Well that just happened for me while I was doing my morning devotions just now.  (And that's why I'm going to claim it as a new find!  God's Word is alive and active!)

Ephesians 1:13-14 says,
"In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory."

Whoa.  Did you catch that?  Do you understand how huge this is???  

What first caught me with this verse is the word "sealed".  After hearing the truth that Jesus Christ is God and all that He has done in conquering our sins and death for us, and believing it, Paul (the writer of Ephesians) says that the Holy Spirit seals our salvation.  He makes it permanent!  God reached down to us by sending Jesus Christ, we, in turn, reach back to Him by believing Him, and then we are sealed.  We are sealed!  Why do people think they must say 20 "Hail Mary's" to be okay with God?  Why do people think they must go to church every Sunday to be accepted into heaven?  Where does that stuff come from?  Not the Bible!  God has made it so easy for us ... we just need to believe in Him.  Allow Him to have His way in our lives.  Allow Him to transform our lives.

The hope of every Christian is for the day that Christ returns to bring us to heaven (no, it didn't happen on May 21, 2011 ... but it will happen when God the Father, and only God the Father says it's time).  When Jesus rose and ascended back up to heaven, He sent the third person of the Trinity to work in the lives of Christians: the Holy Spirit.  It is the Holy Spirit that seals us.  It is the Holy Spirit who works through our lives, keeping us for the day of redemption - Christ's return to bring us back to Himself.  Oh my gosh!  Just hearing that, remembering that ... it brings me so much peace, so much joy!  He is coming back for us!  Jesus Christ, our inheritance.  He bought us with His blood.  We are His.  He is coming back for us.  Believe it, my friends!  Hope for it!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

month of discoveries, find #13: pinterest

Do you remember when you were in middle and high school and you had a bulletin board in your bedroom, pinning up pictures from magazines, notes from friends, song lyrics, Bible verses, etc.?  I definitely do.  I would frequently go through the Sports section of the Star Tribune to find figure skating pictures of Michelle Kwan and Tara Lipinski and plaster them anywhere I could.  Well, find thirteen is an updated version of just that!  It's called Pinterest.  (Get it?  Pinboard + interest = Pinterest ... haha ... brilliant! ) 

Pinterest is fairly new.  And exclusive.  In other words, you have to be invited to join (oh my gosh I feel like I'm in high school again!  Maybe this isn't such a good find ... ha!).  Once you have an account, you have multiple pin boards: For the Home, My Style, Favorite Places and Spaces, and Products I Love, to which you can "pin" things.  You'll install a "pin it" button to your internet browser bar, so that anytime you're online and find something you love ... no matter what website you're on ... you click the "pin it" button and all of the images on that page will appear, choose which item you want to pin and then write a comment or caption for it and it automatically gets pinned to your board.  On the Pinterest homepage, you see what everyone else is pinning (kind of like the Facebook News Feed), and you can re-pin images to your boards if you want, or can comment on other people's pins.  It's fascinating!  And there are so many amazing finds!  I bet the majority of the rest of my finds this month will come from things I find on there!  Sometimes I'm not too good at explaining things, so if I made it sound confusing, then just go to their website and check it out.

(Look at all of those fabulous finds!)

So if you want to join Pinterest, leave me a comment with your email address and I'll send you an invitation!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

month of discoveries, find #12: your local library

This past week, Seth and I needed to get out of the house but I didn't want to spend any money so we decided to make a trip down to the Mountain View Public Library.  I haven't been much of a library fan in the past.  I don't know why, but just never frequented it.  Perhaps it was because I just didn't know of all of the wonderful resources that the local library had to offer: books (obviously), music, DVDs, free classes, story times, and the list goes on and on!  Seth and I have been going to the musical story time on Friday mornings at the library.  They give all of the kids little egg shakers to shake to the beat of the songs we sing.  Seth loves it!  This week I checked out these books:

If you haven't read any of Francine Rivers' books yet, you need to.  She's a fabulous author!  She writes those types of novels where you just can't put it down ... you don't care if you have to get up super early the next morning, or if you'll be a few minutes late somewhere ... you-just-can't-put-it-down!!!  Those are the best kind of authors/books.  So I've read quite a few of her novels, and had to keep going.  This is the first book of her Mark of the Lion Series, which I've heard is fantastic.  I also got this book:

My mom got me interested in sewing, cross-stitching, and pretty much anything creative when I was little.  She gave me my first sewing machine in high school after I took a fashion design class (which really had little to do with fashion design, but taught us to sew).  We started by making pillows and then by the end of the semester I made a summer dress and a denim jacket that I actually wore!  Since then I've made some random projects: curtains, pillow shams, muscle-relaxing rice bags, etc. So when I saw this book, I was inspired to keep going!  Look at all these neat projects:

(Garden tools bag)

 (Art utensils pouch)

(Office supplies holder)

(Easy instructions)

I can't wait to get reading and to get sewing!  So go make a trip down to your public library and be inspired!

Friday, May 20, 2011

month of discoveries, find #11: the cupcake social

Hi Everyone!  I've been super busy the past few days and haven't had a ton of time to blog ... and I feel like I'm bursting at the seams to tell you about some of my newest finds!  Haha ... nerd!  But I'm totally serious.  

So find eleven is, yet again, something party related.  So sorry if you hate parties or are getting sick of hearing how much I love parties!  But if you like to bake or like to eat baked goods, you'll love The Cupcake Social!  They have their own website, but are also found on Etsy (where I discovered them).  They make some of the cutest cupcake liners and decorations possible.

(Adorable liners)

(LOVE these!)

(Short liners ... never seen these before)

(Decorative exterior liners ... what a cute touch!)

(Bow cookie cutter)

(Strawberry cookie cutter ... mmm!)

(Cupcake toppers)

(Aren't these toppers HILARIOUS?!)

(Pinwheel toppers ... how cute!!!)


(Dog and cat edible toppers ... adorable!)

(Super cute straws ... imagine them in a root beer float ... mmm!)

(Heart sprinkles and flags)

(Edible tulips ... mmm!)

Ok I know I posted a bajillion product examples, but I love absolutely everything they have to offer!  I couldn't leave anything out!  Go peruse around their website or Etsy shop and be inspired to bake away (and make your husbands pudgy!!!).

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

month of discoveries, find #10: keds

My wonderful Grandma came to spend some time with us a few weeks ago.  It was a delightful week!  While she was here she was talking about wanting to get a new pair of Keds ... you know, those simple, white lace-up sneakers?  Well I hadn't heard anything about Keds in a very long time, so I went online to see if they were still around.  Not only are they still around, but they're better than ever!  Take a peek:

Super cute, right?!  They have slip-ons, mules, boots and the classic lace-up.  Lots of different styles and colors ... wow!  I'm in love!

So if any of you want to get me a gift, I'm a 7 1/2.  ;)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

month of discoveries, find #9: prettytape

One of the best things to me is making the usual, everyday item into something adorable.  Today's find does just that.  We all use tape.  You know ... masking tape, packing tape, scotch tape ... tape.  Well, why not make it super cute?!  PrettyTape does.

Super adorable, right?  Just imagine all the things you use tape on ... now imagine it with one of these.  Making everyday fabulous.  Love it!