The Rhyme and Reason Series is a children's book series which takes entire books of the Bible and puts them into rhymes so that it's fun and easy to read. The author, Catherine Zoller, has hopes of writing one for each book of the Bible. I am amazed at how much fun it is for me to read as well! Seth is a little young to sit and listen to a book being read, but I still do it just because I like to read them ... haha. And I'm totally shocked at how Biblically accurate the stories are too! If you, as the parent/adult, don't know the ins and outs of a part of the Bible, it's really easy to read through it in these books and get a basic understanding. Plus, the illustrations are quite hilarious too! Here's an example from the Genesis book:
This is the true story of how it all began
God was talking to himself and designed a plan.
In six short days when He shouted the command
Up popped the stars, the trees, the seas and land.
Then He let loose with His vast imagination
And created all the animals and all the vegetation.
There were cobras, and camels, and leopards with spots,
Ostriches, and hummingbirds, and fishes with dots.
He made butterflies and fireflies, mosquitoes and gnats,
Chipmunks, turtles, rabbits, and all the dogs and cats.
He thought of oranges, kiwis, peaches, and tart cranberries,
Guavas, melons, apricots, and bright red cherries.
He planned for some to be sour and some to be sweet;
He fashioned all the vegetables our mothers make us eat.
He made Brussels sprouts, taters, and the odd kumquat,
And somehow out of nothing, he created quite a lot!
Now don't think He was finished with all that He had done
'Cause next came the people, and the fun had just begun.
He wanted a people with whom to share His great love
To walk and talk with like the fellowship above.
God said, "Let Us make man in Our image and likeness
With a spirit that reflects Our friendship and rightness."
First He made a man but saw he needed a wife,
So he took a rib from Adam's side, and Eve came to life.
He settled them in Eden and showed 'em all the stuff
Then gave them just one rule so it wouldn't be too tough.
They couldn't eat the fruit off the center tree,
But in all other things, were completely free.
They had everything they needed, and God was their friend;
Everything was perfect; it never needed to end ...
(Genesis 1:1-2:25)
Come to find out that the author, Catherine Zoller, is somehow related to me. My mom and Grandma both explained it to me, but I can't remember how exactly (sorry, Mom!). But she has a crazy ... and I mean crazy ... testimony of how she came to know the Lord. Check it out here: Catherine Zoller's Testimony.
There are two verses that I commit to memory and meditation:
"Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
"Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child;
The rod of correction will drive it far from him."
Proverbs 22:15
I don't take the role of parenthood lightly. It's more than picking a cute name, dressing them in cute clothes, designing their bedroom and taking lots of pictures (though all of that is so much fun!) ... God has given us the charge of raising them right. Teaching a child the ways and wonders of God and His Son Jesus Christ from the start is a necessity! Practicing what I preach is a must. I would hate to spoil my child on this earth and have to face God one day and answer why Seth never knew of the saving grace of Jesus Christ. Teach them while they're teachable.