Monday, April 23, 2012

i couldn't agree more

Women of God can never be like women of the world.
The world has enough women who are tough; we need women who are tender.
There are enough women who are coarse; we need women who are kind.
There are enough women who are rude; we need women who are refined.
We have enough women of fame and fortune; we need women of faith.
We have enough greed; we need more goodness.
We have enough vanity; we need more virtue.
We have enough popularity; we need more purity.
Margaret Dyreng Nadauld

Oh, Lord, I couldn't agree more.  Help me to be a woman of God.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

the zoo + a myriad of other things

On Friday Seth experienced the zoo for the first time.  He loved it!  My friend, Lainie, and I took our boys to the San Francisco Zoo for the day.  He wanted so badly to just explore!  And honestly, he could have cared less about the animals like the giraffes, tigers and penguins.  He loved walking through the tunnels, climbing the bridges and walking along the curbs.  Haha!  BUT he did love the family farm/petting zoo section.  They had pigs, llamas, chickens and alpacas to look at and goats and ducks roaming around that you could pet (or in Seth's case: chase).

Seth and Jonas in their Jeep (which they ended up spending very little time in because they wanted to get out and explore on their own).  Oh and now every time I ask Seth to "Smile!", he squints his eyes, as seen above.  Haha!

At the family farm, "feeding" the ducks with the gravel he was picking up off the ground

Looking at the alpaca

Brushing the goat

Chasing the ducks

A rare moment: actually looking at the animals!  Prairie Dogs in this case.

The boys were pooped out after the zoo (and so were us Mommas!).  They fell fast asleep on the way home from the zoo.  It was a wonderful time and I'd love to go again with Jack too.

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In other news, I caught a rare glimpse of Seth sleeping this past week.  I normally never see Seth sleeping in his bed because he puts himself to sleep and I'd be crazy if I wanted to go in there to check on him.  But when he decided to take a three hour nap, I decided I should probably make sure he was still alive.  He was just totally conked out!  Look how big my baby is!

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Over the past year since Seth has been mobile, Jack and I have "lost" certain items.  Most of the time they usually turn up ... like my hairbrush in the kitchen cabinet, or Jack's USB device in the couch cushions ... but there were two items that we just could not find: one of my hand mixer wisks and the lid to our blender.  Yesterday while Jack was cleaning up a bit, he decided to take out the remaining few garbage bags we had out of their large box and guess what he found?


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As the weather is heating up (yesterday was in the mid-80's!), we were trying to find something cool (literally) and fun for Seth to do.  This is what we came up with: plastic melamine bowls filled with water and colored ice cubes.  Seth loved it.  We spend the majority of the day out there, and of course it all ended with a huge water fight between the three of us. :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

seth's first easter egg hunt(s)

This past Easter was such a wonderful time with both families.  We spent Saturday with my family, where Seth had his first Easter egg hunt!, and Sunday with Jack's family, where Seth had yet another egg hunt.  Here are a few pictures from the hunt in my parent's backyard:

I'm so horrible about taking pictures when I want to.  I wish I had gotten pictures of our family on Easter.  I didn't even think about it.  I wish I had gotten pictures from the egg hunt with Seth and his cousins.  I didn't.  Ugh.  So these three are all I have, but as you can tell, Seth caught on to the idea very quickly.  In fact we had to empty out his basket because my brothers decided to hide 36 eggs.  After one egg popped open and he tasted the jelly beans inside it (he's never had candy up until this point), he started going to all the eggs and forgot about putting them in his basket and just opened them to get the candy inside!  Haha.  It was pretty funny.  

On Sunday we met up at Jack's brother's house where they had a bounce house inflated in the backyard for Seth and his cousins (he loved it!), and they had another egg hunt.  Seth remembered the candy from the day before, so after seeing the first egg, he just sat down, opened it up and started eating the sweets inside.  Hahaha ... it took a lot of coercion from Jack and I to get him up an collecting the eggs instead of eating them.  

By the time we left, he was pooped out from all the egg-citement (haha I'm a nerd, I know), but obviously had a blast!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

uncle max came to visit

This week is spring break for my younger brother, Max, so he decided to come stay with us for a few days!  We had a great time together ... Monopoly (he got demolished by me), hiking, coloring with chalk in the backyard ... all those fun uncle things.  Here are a few photos from our hike:

We hiked about a mile and a half (Seth walked a huge amount of it!) to a little tiny farm with some animals.  On the way we came across a huge stump that we had been to before.  Seth just had to stop and investigate!  Then on the way back from the farm we decided to get back up into the stump and eat our packed lunch there!  It was a wonderful afternoon.