Monday, January 28, 2013

olivia, oh, olivia

I started blogging for Seth.  It was a fun way to share photos and his development with my friends and family far away.  When people ask me, "How old was Seth when he started sitting up?  When he got his first tooth?  When he started talking?" ... I seriously look back on this blog to remember.  I kept such good track of his developments and changes.

Not so with little Miss Olivia.  

Poor girl, I simply have not had the time or energy.  And since we've moved our office to the back room of the house, it makes me even more unlikely to go back there and plug away. So here's one post to make up for the four months of none.  Let's rewind ...

days old


The first few days of her sweet life.  In the hospital when I was having a tough time recovering, she was a joy (ok - forget the picture of her being fussy, she really was fantastic).  And it's stayed that way.  She's been so mellow, so joyful, so happy, just so precious.  There's just a sweetness about her.

1 month old


The time when she slept all the time, and anywhere.  Ooooo such wonderful days!  Don't get me wrong, Olivia has been a great sleeper, but there's nothing like a sleepy baby in your arms.  She loves being nice and warm, wrapped all tightly in her blankets (see the "burrito" picture of her above ... that's Jack's handiwork).  Side note: I found these adorable butterflies for Olivia's room.  I love her room.  Probably my favorite room in the house.  :)

2 months old


Around 2 months old is when Olivia discovered her thumb.  They've been inseparable ever since.  Right around this time is when Seth really seemed to accept the fact that she's here to stay.  He started wanting to help out more and more ... changing diapers, feeding her, holding her.  He accepted it, and despised it at the same time.  Month two and three were rather difficult in the jealousy department with him.  Olivia got her first cold around this time (so sad!).  The whole family got the same cold, so it was an icky month for us all.  We also graduated her from a bassinet in our room to her crib in her room.  She handled the transition rather well!  I was impressed.  

3 months old


Christmas was so sweet this year.  Boy presents and girl presents.  Fluffy little Christmas dresses.  4 Christmas stockings.  Fun.  She's obviously too little to remember anything, but we had a good time with both sides of the family.  Around 3 months of age she started scooting herself around like crazy.  I'd put her in the middle of her play mat and within minutes she'd be somewhere else ... on her back and on her belly.  That girl can move!  She's always been so strong. 

4 months old

Olivia is 4 months already.  She's grown SO MUCH!  She's now playing with toys, chewing her hands/fingers/anything she can get her hands on, drooling a river, and making the cutest squeals all the time.  I even caught her sucking on the exact same fingers that I used to suck as a child (see the picture above). She rolled over for the first time last week too.  Oh dear ... my baby isn't a baby anymore!  She LOVES to watch her brother play and make boy noises and he's so good about turning on her battery-powered toys for her.  Probably 90% of the time we call her "Sister" instead of her name or any other nickname.  I just brought her in for her 4-month check up and she was so much fun!  She must have loved the one-on-one time with Mama.  She was all smiles and giggles for the nurses and doctor.  She's between 50-75th percentile in weight (13 lbs., 11oz.) and 95th percentile in height (26").  She is so curious ... just like her brother.  I have gotten to the point that I have to feed her in her room all the time because the littlest sound or noise distracts her to the point that she doesn't want to eat anymore.  She just has to know what's going on and wants to be a part of it.

So here's to trying to be more consistent in my tracking of both her and Seth (he's done a lot of changing too!) ...