Saturday, June 29, 2013

salt painting

Remember when I said that Seth is obsessed with painting?  Well, I found a great idea of a variation of painting called salt painting.  We did it last week and Seth LOVED it.

Salt Painting:

1} Take a piece of clear contact paper, sticky side up, and lay it on your table.
2} Sprinkle table salt all over the contact paper - the more salt, the better.
3} Using a pipette, suck up really wet watercolors and squirt onto the salt.
4} Watch it spread!

The finished product is actually really stunning.  My only problem with this project is what to do with it after you're done.  Because it turned out so cool, I thought I would let it dry and try putting another piece of contact paper over the top and frame it.  Ha.  That was a joke.  Not only did it take days to dry, it just fell right off of the contact paper when I tried to move it.  So, this is more of an experiment with paint than an actual piece of artwork, but fun nonetheless.  

we went to the beach

As part of Jack's birthday celebration, we went to the beach in Pacifica on Thursday.  It was so much fun!  Seth gathered many, many, many, many shells {and then buried them all}, and Olivia had a hay-day crawling around and eating sand.  Then, after about two hours, they both melted down and had enough.  Seth got terrified of the high-tide waves coming so close and Olivia was ready for a nap.  So, minus the frantic crying at the end, we had a fantastic time.  

happy birthday, jack!

Jack's birthday was on Thursday {the big 3-5!}.  He celebrated by taking the day off of work and spending some much-needed family time with me and the kids.  We started with his all-time favorite breakfast: Chick-fil-a {we went in our pjs!}, then onto an afternoon at the beach, and ending with an authentic taco dinner and cake-eating at his parent's house.  It was an absolutely wonderful time!  Happy birthday, Jackson!  We love you!!!  You're only getting more wonderful with age.  :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

did i ever tell you ...

... that my son absolutely loves to paint?  Because he does.  All the time, anytime.  Inside, or outside.  Using paint brushes, his fingers, feathers, leaves or Hot Wheel car wheels.  On paper, rocks, and boxes.   It's a constant request of his.  And I don't mind it a bit. :)