He has been admitted to the ICU and is now on a respirator because, after a procedure to clean out his lungs, he can no longer breathe on his own. They have him sedated, just so he doesn't agitate himself or the machine keeping him alive at the moment. My dad is on his way to Louisiana to be with his mom and brother and sister who have also come into town. My understanding is that they might need to make some tough decisions these next couple of days. Please, please be in prayer for wisdom and peace from our Heavenly Father.
Yesterday was a tough day as I learned all of the above information, but what made it even tougher was when Seth fell out of his highchair onto the kitchen floor. I turned away for one second and forgot that I had already unbuckled him and before I knew it, he was face down on the floor ... oh gosh I can't even talk about it I feel sick to my stomach. I picked him up immediately and held him so close as I paced around the house as he cried. I took a couple little peeks at him to see if there was any blood, and when there was none, I just held him until the cries subsided. Then I pulled him away to give him a good look in the face and he gave me a huge smile. Oh my goodness I have never been so happy to see a smile before! But right above that smile was a huge bump on his forehead! Ahhh! Of course I called my mom right away for instructions and she told me to put ice on it. Then I called my husband and then the doctor. By the time Jack came home from work, the bump had almost disappeared! Praise the Lord! And Seth has showed no side effects or warning signs that the doctor gave me. Thank you, Jesus, our Healer!
So, despite the bad stuff, God always brings the good stuff, starting with the quick recovery of my son. But also, he slept like a champ last night! Woohoo! After a couple weeks of waking up every few hours like he was a newborn, Seth is finally sleeping through the night again! On top of that, he popped his first tooth on Tuesday! (I think that explains the many restless nights!) And then, of course, the weather has been gorgeous lately ... a very nice break from the rainy weeks we've had. Who cannot rejoice at that?!
(Helping mom with the laundry!)
(Summer weather here we come!)