Monday, March 28, 2011

heavy heart

I just got news that my Grandpa is back in the hospital ... a mere two days after he was released for pneumonia the second time this month.  I think it's amazing how the Spirit of the Lord works because he and my Grandma have been heavy on my heart over this weekend and all day today.  I was waiting to call them this afternoon (my Grandma tells me that Grandpa has been sleeping in like a teenager lately) and as I was leaving them a voicemail, I received a text from my mom saying that he's back in the hospital.  He's lived a long life, done many things, produced a wonderful family, gotten to meet his one and only great-grandchild, and knows the Lord as his Savior, and yet it's still hard to think that this could be it.  Please pray for healing - whether an earthly healing or a heavenly one, that is up to God - and for my Grandma that she might have unspeakable peace. 

This morning as Seth and I were taking a walk, I was listening to a sermon by Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle.  He's going through the book of Luke and this particular sermon was addressing The Cost of Discipleship (here's a link to listen to it ... PLEASE DO IT!).  In one phrase, this sermon is addressing those who consider themselves Christians to not give up.  You say you're a Christian, and yet where is your growth? Work gets busy, so you stop going to church.  Life gets busy, so you stop reading your Bible.  You're exhausted, so you stop praying.  Times get tough, so you stop giving.  And before you know it, your "come to Jesus" moment is but a memory.  There is so much more fulfillment in the Christian life than speaking a prayer and saying you're a Christian.  There's even more than just going to church every Sunday.  Jesus was pleading with His followers not to just stop at conversion, but grow through discipleship.  You will die one day ... it's inevitable ... will you die with a legacy for Christ? 

Interestingly I listened to this the same day that all of this is happening with my Grandpa, and maybe that's why it hit be so hard.  81 years of life is but a vapor.  Will my Christian walk be in vain by the time I reach my 80's?  Will I have allowed fear, selfishness, addiction, obsession, envy, idleness, depression, or success to get in my way of what the Lord seeks to do in and through me?  Will I leave a legacy for Seth and his children as a woman after Christ?

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