Here is a picture of me at 10 1/2 weeks. Yes, that is a baby bump.
I was barely showing with Seth until I was 5-6 months pregnant and here I am at 10 weeks having a little pooch! I guess my tummy just knows what to do. I had a $25 gift certificate for Motherhood Maternity and went out yesterday and bought a new pair of maternity jeans. It's just not worth it trying to squeeze into regular jeans anymore.
Here is a picture of what our baby probably looks like now at 11 weeks gestation. Pretty amazing, huh? S/he is fully formed now and just needs to keep developing and growing.
I've been feeling okay. Still not 100%. Some parts of the day I feel totally back to normal, and then other parts I feel like if I even look at some foods I'm going to lose it. I threw up twice last week brushing my teeth (my gag reflex is so strong right now). Because I absolutely hate throwing up, I have not used toothpaste in 6 days now. I still brush with water and floss twice a day, but the toothpaste just pushes me over the edge. I apologize in advance for any bad breath I might have!
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