Friday, March 22, 2013

a 6 month birthday

(Olivia wearing my bathing suit from when I was a baby!)

Yesterday our dear Olivia turned 6 months old!  And within a 48-hour span surrounding her 6-month birthday, quite a few things have happened:

-her first tooth came in
-she started to sit-up
-and this:

Monday, March 11, 2013

my little big boy

I can't believe how much a little person can change.  Seth is easily become my best bud.  We share in laughs, cries, and amusement of Olivia's baby noises.  Seth's language has matured so much over the last month ... each word is more distinct and clear, and his use of vocabulary is amazing!  Some of my favorite phrases from the past few weeks:

When I started cleaning up a mess: "Don't worry, Mommy, don't worry."
Out in the backyard when I bent down to pull some weeds : "No, let me do that, let me."
Singing, "The B-I-I-BBBLLL tells me sooooooo!"
To my dad, "Hey John, come with me."
When he wanted me to go play with him: "Put down your phone!"  Ouch.
Me tossing a pillow onto the couch: "No throwing, Mama!"

I'm sure there are plenty more good ones, but I just can't remember them all.  He can be a hoot sometimes!  His sister absolutely adores him.  She will search the room for him and once she lies on him, gives the HUGEST grin.  She loves it when he pays her attention.  And she thinks it's quite hilarious when he starts crying hysterically ... biggest smiles ever when that happens.  

About 2 or 3 months ago, Seth decided to become potty-trained.  It was totally on his own doing and it's been fairly smooth sailing since.  Of course a few accidents here and there, but nothing major.  We're so proud of him!

His favorite activities right now include reading books (over and over ... he's on a Dr. Suess kick right now too), wrestling with and diving into the pillows on the couch, going "fishing" (a magnet at the end of a string and homemade magnet-able fish), playing on his racetrack that we created on the floor in his room using masking tape.  He's also on a Bob the Builder and Thomas the Tank Engine kick at the moment, and the thing that he loves most of all: playing in the backyard.  He is an absolute DISASTER when he comes in, but that's his quiet, alone time and I wouldn't dare take that away from him.  

Love my little Seth!