Monday, March 19, 2012

the pet store

Following the advice of a friend for rainy days, Seth and I visited the pet store today.

We saw fish (his favorite), lizards, chinchillas, guinea pigs, hampsters, birds, and dogs of all shapes and sizes.  It was a great idea.  Seth loved every second of it.

Friday, March 16, 2012

saved by the bell

99 episodes of Saved by the Bell have been added to Netflix!  

Just ask my mother how obsessed I used to be with this show.  Oh my gosh.  Every afternoon I knew the time and channel and I watched it religiously.  And the College Years.  And the Hawaiian movie they made.  And Zack and Kelly's wedding movie.  I'm betting there isn't a single episode I haven't seen.  When we got book orders in elementary school, I would always get the Saved by the Bell books ... and I was convinced that Zack Morris personally knew how much I loved him and his show because I always bought his books.  I was also convinced that he was going to show up at my school to meet me because I was his biggest fan (I was in the 4th grade ... don't judge).  

Needless to say, I'm excited to watch all 99 episodes again.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

17-month seth and 13 weeks baby o2

I thought it would be fun to give another Seth update.  His fascinations are changing constantly!

1.  Seth loves ketchup.  He wants ketchup on everything.  Everything.  He is so much like his father!  Here he is hamming it up for the camera with his potatoes and eggs.

 2.  He also L-O-V-E-S cooking with me.  The second I even open the fridge or pull out food, he's running for a dining room table chair, pushing it up to the counter and asking for the pepper (I guess he thinks pepper goes on everything).  Here he is again with the ketchup too.  :)

3.  We were teased the past few weeks with gorgeous weather ... like 70s and above type weather ... so I got all excited and got Seth his first helmet so we could all go bike riding.  I'm pretty sure the day after I bought it, it started raining and hasn't really stopped.  But we're excited for the day when we can go!

4.  Seth has also decided he is a professional climber now.  We have found him climbing up onto almost everything.  This kid has learned from many falls that he still needs to be careful ... luckily for us he isn't a reckless climber.

5.  Other random Seth facts include: beginning to use the word "no" ... or more like how he actually says it, "no, no" with a head shake.

6.  He loves two books more than the rest right now: Piggies and Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?  We seriously read them over and over and over and over and over ... yes, that repetitive toddler "Again!" is in full swing.

7.  We were given a DVD of kids singing Sunday School songs (probably from the '90s) and Seth is seriously addicted to it!  Jack and I constantly have those songs stuck in our heads now.  Haha ... a good thing because they're great, simple, Godly songs ... but oh my gosh I can't even remember what it's like to not have the same song playing over and over again in my head!

8.  Seth has a fascination with poop.  While at the park one day, I told Seth to not touch some doggy poop he was so curious about.  I told him it was doggy poo-poo and now any tiny spot he sees on the ground, he's convinced is poop and will yell out, "Poo-Poo! Poo-Poo!" We've even semi-started potty training with him (he went pee twice and poop once in his own potty!), and we're constantly talking about poop with that.  Goodness!

9.  He also is obsessed with sweeping and mopping the floors.  I'm not going to complain!

10.  Any time he gets hurt, he feels the need to explain exactly what happened and how he got hurt.  Of course I can't understand any of it, but it's really cute to see him point and act out what happened.

.. .. ..

Now onto Baby O2!  

We went in yesterday for our 13-week appointment (officially in the second trimester!).  We were able to hear the baby's heart beat and find out everything is completely fine and healthy.  I've already gained 5 lbs ... a little ridiculous, but whatever.  We'll go in again in 4 weeks for the next check-up and for our anatomy ultrasound and gender reveal!  YES, we are going to find out the sex of the baby this time!

Our little person is now about 3 inches long and weighs almost an ounce.  S/he even has fingerprints!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

11 weeks along

I am officially 11 weeks pregnant with Baby O2!  Already time is flying.  I feel like just yesterday I was taking a pregnancy test and now I'm almost into my second trimester!

Here is a picture of me at 10 1/2 weeks.  Yes, that is a baby bump.

I was barely showing with Seth until I was 5-6 months pregnant and here I am at 10 weeks having a little pooch!  I guess my tummy just knows what to do.  I had a $25 gift certificate for Motherhood Maternity and went out yesterday and bought a new pair of maternity jeans.  It's just not worth it trying to squeeze into regular jeans anymore.

Here is a picture of what our baby probably looks like now at 11 weeks gestation.  Pretty amazing, huh?  S/he is fully formed now and just needs to keep developing and growing.

 I've been feeling okay.  Still not 100%.  Some parts of the day I feel totally back to normal, and then other parts I feel like if I even look at some foods I'm going to lose it.  I threw up twice last week brushing my teeth (my gag reflex is so strong right now).  Because I absolutely hate throwing up, I have not used toothpaste in 6 days now.  I still brush with water and floss twice a day, but the toothpaste just pushes me over the edge.  I apologize in advance for any bad breath I might have!