Saturday, July 30, 2011


This past week has flown by for us!  So much stuff going on (and I thought July/August would be a breeze ... ha!)! 

For starters, we're having the exterior of our house repaired and painted.  They said it would take 3 days.  It's now been 5.  They're doing a great job, working hard, but I think they underestimated how many repairs really needed to be made.  That's what you get with an old house.  But I'm just excited it's finally getting done! (I'll post before/after pictures when it's completed.)

We also have a new roommate!  Our friend, Jackie, moved in with us on Monday and is staying a few weeks until her apartment is ready to move into.  We love her and she's been a delight!  

On Thursday night, Max and Rudy moved in with us for a week and a half while my parents take a much-needed vacation in Colorado with my mom's brothers and their wives.  

And then this morning, our dear friends dropped off their two puppies for us to dog-sit while they go on vacation for two weeks on the East Coast.  

Crazy houseful?  Yes.  But I honestly kinda like it!

Here's some pictures of the past few days:

(Enjoying a beautiful day outside)

(His little tush is so spankable!)

(He LOVES being outside!)

(Playing with Rudy)

(Rudy playing with him)

(We got a swimming pool just our size!)

(Max made us dinner ... and breakfast this morning!)

(Playing with Jackie's ukalale)

(Jackie and her "brother")

1 comment:

  1. Great Photos. Looks like everyone is happy. thanks for sharing.
    Kelly aka Lala
