Sunday, May 22, 2011

month of discoveries, find #13: pinterest

Do you remember when you were in middle and high school and you had a bulletin board in your bedroom, pinning up pictures from magazines, notes from friends, song lyrics, Bible verses, etc.?  I definitely do.  I would frequently go through the Sports section of the Star Tribune to find figure skating pictures of Michelle Kwan and Tara Lipinski and plaster them anywhere I could.  Well, find thirteen is an updated version of just that!  It's called Pinterest.  (Get it?  Pinboard + interest = Pinterest ... haha ... brilliant! ) 

Pinterest is fairly new.  And exclusive.  In other words, you have to be invited to join (oh my gosh I feel like I'm in high school again!  Maybe this isn't such a good find ... ha!).  Once you have an account, you have multiple pin boards: For the Home, My Style, Favorite Places and Spaces, and Products I Love, to which you can "pin" things.  You'll install a "pin it" button to your internet browser bar, so that anytime you're online and find something you love ... no matter what website you're on ... you click the "pin it" button and all of the images on that page will appear, choose which item you want to pin and then write a comment or caption for it and it automatically gets pinned to your board.  On the Pinterest homepage, you see what everyone else is pinning (kind of like the Facebook News Feed), and you can re-pin images to your boards if you want, or can comment on other people's pins.  It's fascinating!  And there are so many amazing finds!  I bet the majority of the rest of my finds this month will come from things I find on there!  Sometimes I'm not too good at explaining things, so if I made it sound confusing, then just go to their website and check it out.

(Look at all of those fabulous finds!)

So if you want to join Pinterest, leave me a comment with your email address and I'll send you an invitation!


  1. Oh my gosh my bulletin boards were never as awesome as yours. I was always jealous.

  2. Haha! Yes but you inspired me to even make bulletin boards! Aww Mandi I miss you!
