Monday, May 9, 2011

month of discoveries, find #5: baby must-haves

So in honor of the recent Mother's Day (my first one!), I decided to make of list of baby products that have made it to my must-have list.  These are the products that have made life so much easier, healthier and more fun.  I'll probably forget a few, but oh well. 

1)  Aquaphor 
Fantastic ... and I mean fantastic for baby diaper rashes.  It's also great for skin irritations and cuts.  I can't tell you how much we love this stuff!  We use it every day.  No perfumes, no dyes, and simple ingredients.  

2) Baby Bjorn
This baby carrier is great.  At first we used it as just a daddy-and-baby contraption, as Jack would put Seth in it and do random household chores as well as go on the elliptical with him in it (he'd fall fast asleep!).  I thought it would be too bulky and heavy for me to carry Seth in it, but a few months ago in a moment of desperation to get some work done with a fussy baby, I tried it out and use it almost every day.  Seth loves it.  And it's easy to put on, super secure and not too heavy.  Great for use around the house, going on walks/hikes, at the mall, etc.

3) Boppy
Ahhh ... what would I do without my Boppy!?  I have used the Boppy multiple times per day, every day since Seth was born.  I use it mainly for breastfeeding, but have also used it as a prop when Seth was learning to sit up.  Also, when I was recovering from childbirth, it was one of the only comfortable things to sit on.  I give it five stars.

4) Simple, Long-sleeved Onesies

We were so blessed with gifts and clothes from our baby showers (I just barely had to start buying clothes!), but one thing that I found was missing was just a basic long-sleeve onesie.  We received lots of short-sleeved ones, but not long-sleeved.  I found some great ones at Old Navy and Seth is on the verge of wearing them out!

5) O-Ball

Seth loves his O-Ball.  It is so easy to grab for little hands trying to figure out how to work, plus it's super lightweight and good for chewing on.  I learned from a child development expert that it's also helpful for when they're learning coordination because it's super easy to pass from one hand to the other.  I've started teaching Seth how to catch with it ... he's destined to be a baseball player!

6) Playmats
After using one of these at a friend's house, we had to get one.  It has supplied me with many hours of hands free time!  It's great for tummy time as well as laying down and sitting up (and currently right now Seth wants to stand up on it by grabbing two of the poles).  Love it.

7) Robeez

This is a new one for me.  A friend of ours gave Seth a pair when he was born, but they were too big for him then and I hadn't put them on him until today actually!  My aunt also bought Seth a pair this weekend and we put them on him yesterday.  They're super soft, easy to put on and they keep his feet protected and still free to move and grow.  I was expecting Seth to kick and fight them off like he's done with every other pair of shoes I've tried putting on him, but he hasn't done that at all!  He really doesn't seem to notice them (which I think is their purpose).  Plus they come in so many super cute colors and styles.

8) Sofie the Giraffe

Made of natural rubber, Sofie is great for teething babies.  It's got lots of easy places for a baby to grab and get into their mouth, plus it makes a squeaky noise that Seth finds fascinating.  Almost every baby I see has Sofie ... and while I can't explain why it's so popular,  I just know that my kid loves it.

9) Soothies

Ok this one's for the momma's out there.  I don't know what I would have done without Soothies!  I don't want to go into a whole bunch of detail here, but breastfeeding, though God's wonderfully perfect design, is excruciatingly painful in the beginning.  Soothies worked wonders.  Enough said.

10) Leachco Back-n-Body Contour Pillow
Ok I know this looks ridiculous, but this pillow was a lifesaver for me at night while I was pregnant.  I really wasn't that uncomfortable during my pregnancy except at night.  I would wake up in such aching, sharp pain that I would not wake up a happy camper.  But my wonderful husband bought this pillow for me (after much time spent reading product and consumer reviews).  Oh my gosh it was fantastic.  I slept wonderfully after that.  Well worth it.  

I'm sure there's a dozen more items that have been huge helps to us over the past 7 months, but these are my top 10 that came to mind.  Happy belated Mother's Day!

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